The name of the association is Espoon Telinetaiturit ry. The association is based in the City of Espoo in the Province of Southern Finland. The association was established on May 7, 1978 and is referred to as a club in these regulations. The languages of the club are Finnish and Swedish, of which Finnish is the protocol language. The club operates in the city of Espoo and its surrounding areas.
The purpose of the club is to promote physical activities in the club’s area of activity, so that as many club members as possible can engage in fitness, competitions, or top sports according to their requirements and needs. The activities of the club are based on the ethical values of exercise and the principles of fair play in sports.
The purpose of the club is implemented:
1 By offering to its members
– competitive activities
– training activities
– coaching and training activities
– youth activities
– information and public relations
– fitness exercise
– and other similar activities aimed at nurturing citizens who are physically and mentally active and useful.
2 By drawing attention, through proposals, petitions and initiatives, of the authorities and other communities in its area of activity, and, by its own endeavour, to develop physical activity, provide and maintain necessary training facilities and equipment, and create other necessary conditions.
3 By carrying out publishing operations.
To support its activities, the club can
– accept donations and wills, to own real estate necessary for its activities, and
– to raise funds by organizing entertainment and dance events, fundraisers and lotteries, owing and operating sports facilities, carrying out publishing and duplication services, accommodation and nutrition businesses and bingos, and providing non-profit sports equipment and accessories to its members.
The club follows the regulations of the sports organizations of which it is a member.
The Board may approve a person, as a full member of the club, who undertakes to comply with the club’s rules and regulations.
On the proposal of the board, a person who has made a significant contribution to the activities of the club may be called an honorary member. An honorary member has a lifetime value.
On the motion of the board, a person who has acted as a chairperson of the club may be called an honorary chairperson by decision of the club meeting. The honorary chairperson has a lifetime value.
A private individual or a legal entity that supports the club by making an annual contributor contribution may be approved as a supporting member. A supporting member has the right to speak, but not to vote at club meetings.
The club and its members are committed to the current doping code of the Finnish Anti-Doping Commission and, thereby, to the doping code of the International Olympic Committee and the International Union, the Council of Europe Convention on Doping, and the Nordic Anti-Doping Convention
A member has the right to resign from the club by notifying the board or its chairperson in writing or by providing a notification at a meeting of the club for the record. The resignation shall be deemed to have taken place as soon as the declaration is made, but the individual shall be liable to pay their contributions and to fulfill any other obligations arising from these regulations until the end of the current calendar year. A member shall also be deemed to have resigned if he or she has failed to pay their payment obligations for at least one year.
A member may be dismissed by the Board if they fail to pay overdue membership fees or, otherwise, fail to fulfill their obligations under these regulations, or acts in a manner contrary to the purpose of the club or against sports ethics or fair play. The board may also withdraw voting rights from a member who has failed to pay their payment obligations at a club meeting, if the member has not paid its contributions referred to in the regulations by a date decided upon at the club meeting.
Disciplinary action and penalties shall also be decided by the board in accordance with the rules and regulations of the National Federation of the sport. Disciplinary action may be taken in lieu of the club by the board, as laid down by the by-laws and regulations of the national federation of the sport.
The decision shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to have been notified to the person concerned five days after the date on which the person concerned is notified by registered letter.
The dismissed person shall not be entitled to claim back any payments made to the club.
The annual club meeting in the autumn will decide on the amount of the joining and membership fees to be paid by full members. Honorary members and honorary chairpersons are not charged any fees.
The club holds two general meetings each year, the spring meeting in February-April and the autumn meeting in October-December. The venue and the exact time of the meeting will be determined by the board.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting and extraordinary meeting must be published at least 14 days before the meeting
– through a notice in a newspaper determined by the club’s ordinary meeting, or
– a written notice to members, or
– a notice affixed to the club’s official notice board.
1 The opening of the meeting
2 Elected to the meeting: (a) chairperson (b) secretary (c) two minutes inspectors (d) vote inspectors
3 The attendance of participants and the voting members shall be noted
4 The legality and quorum of the meeting will be hereby established
5 Presentation of the board’s annual report and financial statements, as well as the auditor’s statement
6 Decide on the approval of the financial statement and the discharge of the board and other responsible persons
7 Any other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting will be discussed
8 The meeting is closed
1 The opening of the meeting
2 Elected to the meeting: (a) chairperson (b) secretary (c) two Minutes inspectors (d) vote calculators
3 The presence of participants and voting members shall be noted
4 The legality and quorum of the meeting will be hereby established
5 Decide which sports will be on the club’s program for the upcoming term
6 Membership in other organizations and communities will be decided
7 The amount of the joining, membership and supporter fees shall be confirmed
8 The operational plan and budget will be confirmed
9 A chairperson of the board will be elected from among the members, also called the chairperson of the club
10 Election of the other members of the board from the members to replace the departing members
11 Two back up members for the board shall be elected from among the members
12 One or two auditors and an equivalent number of deputy auditors shall be elected
13 Decide on the club’s representatives in the organizations and communities in which the club is a member
14 Other issues mentioned in the notice of meeting shall be discussed
15 The meeting is closed
An extraordinary meeting of the club shall be held when deemed necessary by the board, the meeting of the club so decides, or when at least one tenth of the voting members of the club have submitted a written proposal to the board for any particular matter. The notice convening the extraordinary meeting shall state the matter on which the meeting is called.
An extraordinary meeting shall be held within at least two months after the members have presented the matter to the meeting in the manner indicated above.
Issues that the members of the club wish to discuss at the spring or autumn meeting must be submitted to the board in writing at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
Minutes shall be kept of meetings of the club, its board, its chambers and its committees. The minutes of the club meetings must be signed by the chairperson and secretary of the meetings and checked by the selected inspectors.
The minutes of the of the club, its board, its chambers and its committees are reviewed immediately or at the next meeting.
The decision of the meeting will be the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast. Personnel selections shall be concluded in such a way as to obtain the highest number of votes. In the case of a tie, the selection will be decided by a lot. In other matters, the opinion to which the chairperson of the meeting agrees shall prevail. At each meeting, voting shall be by secret ballot, if required.
Each full member, honorary member, honorary chairperson and incumbent member who has paid his or her joining fee and membership fee by the time of the meeting, with the exception of supporting members, shall have one vote. A proxy may not vote.
The club’s operations and finances are managed by a board, which consists of a chairperson elected for a term of office and eight members elected for a term of two years, and two deputy members for a term of office. Half of the members of the board will depart annually. For first time, the half to retire will be decided by a lot.
The board elects a vice chairperson from among its members. The board also elects a secretary, a treasurer, and such other staff as may be required from outside the board.
The board shall meet when convened by the chairperson or, in his or her absence, when deemed necessary by the vice chairperson or in writing supported by half of the board members.
A quorum shall exist when the chairperson or, in his / her absence, the vice-chairperson and at least half of its members are present.
1 Implement the decisions of the club meetings
2 Lead and develop club activities
3 Select the sections, committees and working parties, as well as their chairpersons, as appropriate
4 Responsible for the club’s finances
5 Keep a list of members
6 Prepare the club’s annual report and financial statements
7 Make an action plan and financial plan for the following year
8 Conducts the club’s communications
9 Accept and dismiss members and decide on disciplinary actions against members
10 To select, dismiss and hire the salaried employees of the club
11 Decide on the giving awards of the club and the presentation of other merits
12 Take any other action that may be required in the interests of the club
13 Submit the accounts to the auditors for review at least three weeks before the spring meeting
The club’s operating and financial year is the calendar year.
The name of the club shall be written by the chairperson alone or the vice-chairperson together with a secretary or any other board member or employee designated by the board. The signatories must be of legal age.
JaoHowever, the sections may decide on their own internal operations, so that the club’s board may confirm the action taken by the sections.
Amendments to these rules shall be decided upon by a meeting of the club by a majority of at least three quarters of the votes cast. The invitation to the meeting must mention changes to the regulations
The dissolution of the club shall be decided upon by the meeting of the club by a majority of at least three quarters of the votes cast. The notice of the meeting shall mention separately the dissolution of the club.
If it is decided to dissolve the club, its funds must be donated to one of the club’s activities for the purpose of promoting physical education, as decided upon by the meeting. The liquidators of the estate shall be persons chosen by the meeting.
The dissolution of the club must be notified to the register of associations.
The acquired membership rights remain.
Espoon Telinetaiturit ry (EsTT ry)
Business identity code: Y-0460107-3
EsTT ry office:
Niittyrinne 4
02270 Espoo
Mail address:
Espoon Telinetaiturit ry
PL 35, 02101 Espoo
pls contact
Itätuulenkuja 9
02100 Espoo
Sinikalliontie 1
02630 Espoo
Vitikka 4
02630 Espoo
Niittyrinne 4
02270 Espoo