REGISTER SUMMARY Personal Data Act (523/99) Section 10 Date of issue: 06.06.2011
Espoon Telinetaiturit ry (EsTT)
Business ID 0460107-3
Contact information PL 35
02101 Espoo
Tel. +358 45 121 6536
Visiting address: Itätuulenkatu 9, 02100 Espoo
Pia Saranpää
045 121 6536
EsTT member and registration register
Catalogue of club members in accordance with Section 11 of the Association Act. Data about members and other activities of the club. Monitoring of invoices and payments. Compilation of statistical data on the membership structure and participants in sports groups, among others, to apply for grants for club activities.
The full name, domicile, contact details, date of birth and gender of the data subject, as well as any other information maintained by the data subject themselves. Invoice, payment and exercise group information by season.
Information maintained by the data subject themselves.
The club may disclose registry information to authorities when required by law or regulation. Subject to the individual consent of the member, the name and address information may be used for the information and marketing needs of the Finnish Gymnastics Federation or third parties. The member maintains their consent information themselves. Data will not be disclosed or transferred outside the EU or the EEA.
The club’s member register administrator is responsible for granting and monitoring access rights. Access rights to the electronic membership register shall be granted to those who may need it.
Information stored on computer:
You need a username and password to access the registry. The person responsible for the Club Membership Register maintains usernames. The servers are located in a data centre, in a locked area that requires separate access rights or an escort.
Manual listings:
All printed material containing personal data will be stored in locked facilities and properly disposed of.
* Section 10 of the Personal Data Act does not explicitly require information to be marked, but it is appropriate to mark it with respect to the registered right of access. It also describes the data content of the register.
Espoon Telinetaiturit ry (EsTT ry)
Business identity code: Y-0460107-3
EsTT ry office:
Niittyrinne 4
02270 Espoo
Mail address:
Espoon Telinetaiturit ry
PL 35, 02101 Espoo
pls contact
Itätuulenkuja 9
02100 Espoo
Sinikalliontie 1
02630 Espoo
Vitikka 4
02630 Espoo
Niittyrinne 4
02270 Espoo